Yolanda Ceballos
She studied Architecture at the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. She was granted the John Kinross Travelling Award by The Royal Scottish Academy (2022). Ceballos belongs to the National System of Creators (Sistema Nacional de Creadores) in sculpture since 2020. She was a grantee of FONCA Young Creators in sculpture, obtained the BBVA-Carrillo Gil fellowship and was a resident at Casa Wabi. She had a solo booth at ARCO Madrid Art Fair 2023. Her last solo show was change of state at Pequod Co. in 2022. Her work has been part of group shows at Centro de las Artes (Monterrey), Museo Carrillo Gil (Mexico City), Assembly (New York) and Florence School (Glasgow). Her work belongs in the collections of Centro de las Artes (Monterrey) and Phillips/Yuyito (Mexico City)