Mixed media on canvas
5’ x 6’

Oil on canvas
40” x 26”

Oil on canvas
30” x 40”

Oil on canvas
59” x 48”

Oil on canvas
20” x 20”

Oil on bedsheet
46” x 22”
(Description of Mandala 2018)
Taking inspiration from the Tibetan tradition of the mandala and the bhavacakra symbol (or ‘wheel of life’), Mandala 2018 offers a reinterpretation of samsara (cyclic existence), meditative labor, and the six realms of being from a millennial perspective.
The six realms described in Mandala 2018 are: surface of body, interior of body, home screen, dark matter, quarks, and the spinning wheel of death. The integral use of the iPhone, Instagram, and cultural appropriation locate the work culturally in the era of social media and globalization.