Oil on canvas

Oil on canvas

Oil on canvas

Oil on canvas

Oil on canvas

pencil on paper
I’m interested in the collective movement made by a large number of people within a miniature world of painting. Their collective power generates various kinds of action and reaction, as the power becomes more divided.
In addition, their cultural backgrounds, rules, and customs can also change them.
I recognize that the physical world is a multilayered entity with countless worlds. For example, playing sports change the rule and roles of people.
In my paintings, I attempt to split the real world and construct my own miniature space, observing collective power in the space.
My motivation for building my miniature world is to set a new background, new roles, and rules.
The meaning of my miniature world construction is to set a new background, new roles, and rules.
Specifically, I borrow the theatrical stage and apply the rules of group games and to it.
In other words, I take our reality into the split composition of the painting and observe it and create a metaphor at the same time.
I catch the invisible energies of people that are always changing in different background and rules.
I visualize and create psychological observations such as the intermixing, collision, and negotiation between the collective power and the individual power.