Lithography, acrylic on paper
86 x 186 (cm)

Lithography, acrylic on paper
86 x 186 (cm)

Fiberglass resin
80 x 80 x 120 (cm)

Lithography, screenprinting, acrylic on US $1 banknotes
6.1 x 14.9 (cm)
b. 1983 in Seoul, South Korea
2013 MFA in Glasgow School of Art, Scotland, United Kingdom
2010 BFA in Industrial Design, Kookmin University, South Korea
2013 Perfectly Situated, New City Space, Glasgow
2012 Perfectly at Home, New City Space, Glasgow
2010 Tape, Sungkyun, Seoul
2009 Augmented Memory, Artspace Hive, Seoul
2004 Fringe Festival, Gallery Kkot, Seoul
We are living in a gap between economy and economics. Economy is a stage where various economics are performed to champion the winners of the global competition. In the marginalized economy, small industries die young or are merged into financial industry with enigmatic and swift transaction. Streets are filled with grand openings selling ropy stocks collected from bankrupt shops. Lifecycle of retail’s got shrunk to that of a mayfly.
As Debord described us as spectators of own culture, we are spectating our economy as huge fiction. As a result, economic realism has gone neglected when it is boring. The best way to have reality check is to poke yourself: the best way to do so on the economy is to disturb economy with jokes and experiments.