Crocheted yarn, gift tag
65cm x 70cm

Crocheted yarn, ink on graph paper
Dimensions variable

Sharpie on tracing paper
54cm x 70cm

Printed text on copy paper
84cm x 119cm
Kyle was born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana, but has had adventures in many exotic places since then. (Exotic to someone from Indiana, anyway.) Some things she’s accomplished: a BA in English from Indiana University, a BFA in Photography from Herron School of Art & Design, representation and participation in several exhibitions and festivals, successful adoption of a house plant named Herb, and now this MFA thing from The Glasgow School of Art. She’s not sure what’s next, but thinks that’s kind of exciting. And maybe a bit awkward.
People are difficult. Life is awkward. I like to look at those insignificant, everyday moments when we’re forced to deal with others. How do I behave? Why do I behave that way? Do I say something or not? Are you feeling as awkward as I am? Am I over-thinking things? What are you thinking?