Acrylic on paper
420mm x 594mm

Acrylic on paper
594mm x 420mm

Digital video on LCD screen

Wood, card and enamel paint
4ft x 5ft x 5ft
b. 1977, Colchester UK
During my two years on the MFA I have worked in a variety of media, concentrating upon drawing and video in particular. I’m interested in the perverse gaze, and my practice uses certain visual and theoretical qualities found in psychedelia and surrealism to redefine the gaze as self absorbed with its own scopophilic tendencies. I do this indirectly through video, images and spoken scripts. Within my video work I’m concerned with the potential of engagement from the viewer as a spectator. I’m interested in a physical response achieved either through a process of control and complicity or, conversely, through nausea and removal.