Oliver Braid
hen I was 9 years old, at school, my class had to do an exercise focused on writing a wish list of objects that your friends would like to receive as presents.
I was so embarrassed by the idea of having to specify the people who I considered to be my friends. I began to worry that I didn’t actually have any friends and, publically, the class would contest any name I wrote down.
I spent the whole hour trying to find other things to do, to ignore the blank paper, so that at the end of the lesson I got into trouble because my teacher thought I just couldn’t be bothered.
When I was 23 years old I was having a really stressful time, feeling that because I had done an undergraduate degree in Fine Art I should carry on making objects. But I had no idea of what I really wanted to make or do.
That summer my friend had a zombie birthday party. When planning my costume I made a Facebook zombie outfit. I got up every morning and wanted to work on it.
It was this, alongside other handmade cards and birthday gifts for my friends, which I realized I was most motivated to make and think about. Work which celebrates friendships and having a beautiful time
In my work there is often an implied narrative – usually a very convoluted one.
In this narrative there is usually a protagonist who is experiencing a joyful situation.